Community Access Center

System Change Navigation

change the system so we can all fit cartoon image

System Change Navigation is defined as outreach and educational activities designed to raise awareness of both needs and capabilities of persons with disabilities. This education is targeted primarily at legislators, public officials, County and State employees of programs, and other decision-makers. The aim of this service is to create equal access and community integration for individuals living and working in Riverside County. This program also includes disaster planning for the disabled and seniors of Riverside County as well as ADA compliance reviews of businesses and emergency shelters.

System Change Navigation is the process of making positive changes in our society that improves the quality of life for people with disabilities.

A personal navigator is a person who pushes for the needs and rights of an individual.

  • A system navigator is a person who pushes for the needs and rights of a group of people (people with a disability).
  • A system navigator would work or push to change laws to allow all very low-income people to receive subsidized housing.
  • A system navigator needs to be aware of neighborhood, city, county, state, and federal processes where decisions are being made.
  • A system navigator should be in contact with many people in a group so they can affect the decision-makers at all levels.
  • A system navigator should participate in public hearings, advisory committees, city council meetings, and any forum where public policy is being debated.
  • Another form of system navigation is writing letters to public officials supporting legislation that will affect the group as a whole.

Let Us Help You!

Community Access Center never charges a fee for services provided.

Investigation of discrimination claims and mediation on behalf of people with disabilities in order to resolve conflicts that impede the attainment of needed benefits and services.

Consumer Rights Notification

Every consumer of the Community Access Center has the right to appeal any decision which denies you service. (NOTE: The appeal must follow certain guidelines and time limitations; ask your service provider for a copy of the procedure).If you desire representation in addressing your concerns/dissatisfaction with the Community Access Center (CAC), you have the right to contact the Client Assistance Program (CAP) for assistance. Contact the CAP at 1 (800) 776-5746, (and for the hearing impaired their TTY 1 (800) 576-9269), and you will be referred to a Client Assistance Program not connected with CAC. This will prevent any potential conflict of interest.

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