Community Access Center

What is the RAMP Program & How Do I Qualify?

Community Access Center’s RAMP Program makes life easier, allowing individuals to live independently by providing a ramp system that allows access and mobility to their home. Our goal is to provide wheelchair users with a modular ramp at no cost. For additional information on the RAMP Program and a quick look at the installation process, please watch this short video.

People Who Qualify

Eligibility/income requirements will apply. Contact Community Access Center to speak to a navigator about eligibility. Some examples of people who qualify include: 

  • Anyone with a disability
  • Located in Riverside County

Scheduling An Appointment

To schedule an appointment and start the process today, contact:

Site Visit & Measurements

After an appointment is scheduled, our team will visit the consumer’s home and take measurements of the area where the ramp will be installed. Modular ramp sections will then be ordered to match the proper dimensions needed for the final installation.

Final Installation

After the initial site visit and measurements, another appointment will be made to install the ramp and complete the process. 

Let Us Help You!

Community Access Center never charges a fee for services provided.

Investigation of discrimination claims and mediation on behalf of people with disabilities in order to resolve conflicts that impede the attainment of needed benefits and services.

Consumer Rights Notification

Every consumer of the Community Access Center has the right to appeal any decision that denies them service. (Please keep in mind that the appeal must adhere to specific guidelines and time constraints; request a copy of the procedure from your service provider) If you desire representation in addressing your concerns or dissatisfaction with the Community Access Center (CAC), you have the right to contact the Client Assistance Program (CAP) for assistance. Contact the CAP at 1(800) 776-5746 (and for the hearing impaired, their TTY is 1(800) 576-9269), and you will be referred to a Client Assistance Program not connected with CAC. This will prevent any potential conflict of interest.

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