Nursing Facility Integration

The Independent Living Center is able to assist individuals with physical disabilities who reside in institutional settings to regain their independence within the community. Various levels of assistance are available based on need and individual resources.
- Case management to develop a plan
- Attendant services to assist with activities of daily living
- Financial assistance to pay deposits and assist with necessary household items
- Adaptive equipment loan services
- General assistance in finding affordable and accessible housing
- Peer support and navigation
- Information and referral
- Independent Living Skills training and guidance
What is considered an Institutional Setting?
- Nursing Home
- Rehabilitation Facility
- Supported Housing (minimal assistance available for step-down integration options)
Requirements for Assistance
- Active California Medicaid
- Relocate to a home that will either be leased or owned by the participant or the participant’s family or move to a housing unit with no more than four individuals living in the home
- Have lived in a state habilitation center or nursing facility for at least 90 days
- Ability to live independently with community-based supports
Information for Institutions
If you would like to refer a resident for integration or if you would like someone to talk with you and your staff more about the process, please contact Marina Bosler at or call (951) 274-0358.
Let Us Help You!
Community Access Center never charges a fee for services provided.
Investigation of discrimination claims and mediation on behalf of people with disabilities in order to resolve conflicts that impede the attainment of needed benefits and services.
Consumer Rights Notification
Every consumer of the Community Access Center has the right to appeal any decision which denies you service. (NOTE: The appeal must follow certain guidelines and time limitations; ask your service provider for a copy of the procedure). If you desire representation in addressing your concerns/dissatisfaction with the Community Access Center (CAC), you have the right to contact the Client Assistance Program (CAP) for assistance. Contact the CAP at 1(800) 776-5746, (and for the hearing impaired their TTY 1(800) 576-9269), and you will be referred to a Client Assistance Program not connected with CAC. This will prevent any potential conflict of interest.