Community Access Center

Create Your Emergency Plan
In Just 3 Steps

two ladies talking on her wheelchair wearing her eyeglasses

If your community experiences a disaster, be sure to register on the American Red Cross website to let your family and friends know you are safe.

Or, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) and select the prompt for “Disaster” to register yourself and your family.

Read more tips for reconnecting with loved ones after a disaster or emergency.

Include Common Emergency Scenarios When You Plan For The Emergencies That Are Most Likely To Happen Where You Live

  • Be familiar with natural disaster risks in your community.
  • Consider how you will respond to emergencies that can happen anywhere, such as home fires and floods.
  • Consider how you will respond to emergencies that are unique to your region, such as volcanoes, tsunamis or tornadoes.
  • Think about emergencies that may require your family to shelter in place (such as a winter storm), vs. emergencies that may require evacuation (such as a hurricane).

Plan What To Do In Case You Are Separated During An Emergency

  • Choose two places to meet up:
    • Right outside your home in case of a sudden emergency, such as a fire
    • Outside your neighborhood, in case you cannot return home or are asked to evacuate
  • Choose an out-of-area emergency contact person. It may be easier to text or call long distance if local phone lines are overloaded or out of service. Everyone should carry emergency contact information in writing and saved on their cell phones. Make sure places where your children spend time also have these contact numbers, like at school or daycare.
  • Your plan should account for family members who may live elsewhere during the year, such as members of the military on deployment or students away at college, or those who travel frequently.
    • How will you need to adapt your plan if they are at home?
    • What will you need to do differently if they are away?

The workshops will be held by a navigator certified by FEMA and Homeland security in disaster planning for people with special needs.

Disaster Preparedness For People With Disabilities has been designed to help people who have physical, visual, auditory, or cognitive disabilities to prepare for natural disasters and their consequences.

Download the FREE Emergency App Find our Emergency App in the Apple Store » or Google Play » Aplicación de Emergencias – ahora disponible en español » también!

More Preparedness Resources

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Investigation of discrimination claims and mediation on behalf of people with disabilities in order to resolve conflicts that impede the attainment of needed benefits and services.

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Every consumer of the Community Access Center has the right to appeal any decision which denies you service. (NOTE: The appeal must follow certain guidelines and time limitations; ask your service provider for a copy of the procedure).If you desire representation in addressing your concerns/dissatisfaction with the Community Access Center (CAC), you have the right to contact the Client Assistance Program (CAP) for assistance. Contact the CAP at 1 (800) 776-5746, (and for the hearing impaired their TTY 1 (800) 576-9269), and you will be referred to a Client Assistance Program not connected with CAC. This will prevent any potential conflict of interest.

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